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What is Cloud Computing in Technology_

Cloud Computing Software as a Service (Saas)


The cloud computing software as a Service (SaaS) model provides end users with a Software as a Service application. Refers to software implemented on a hosting service and accessible via the Internet. There are several SaaS applications listed below:

Invoicing and invoicing system.

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) applications
  • support applications
  • Human Resources (HR) Solutions
  • Some SaaS applications, such as Microsoft Office Suite, are not customizable. But SaaS provides an Application Programming Interface (API), which allows the developer to build a custom application.

The Characteristics of Cloud Computing Software

The Characteristics of Cloud Computing Software

These are the characteristics of the SaaS service model:

  • SaaS makes software available on the Internet.
  • The provider maintains software applications.
  • Software licenses can be subscription-based or usage-based. And it is billed regularly.
  • SaaS applications are cost-effective because they do not require maintenance by the end user.
  • They are available on request.
  • They can be expanded or reduced on demand.
  • They update and update automatically.
  • SaaS offers a shared data model. Therefore, multiple users can share a single infrastructure instance. As a result, there is no need to code functionality for individual users. And allso
  • All users are running the same version of the software.

Advantages of Cloud Computing Software

SaaS has proven beneficial in terms of scalability, efficiency, and performance. Some of the benefits are list below:

Modest Software Tools

  • Efficient use of software licenses
  • Centralized management and data And also
  • Provider Managed Platform Responsibilities

Subtle Software Tools – Cloud Computing Software

SaaS application deployment requires little to no client-side software installation. Which yields the following benefits:

  • No complex client-side software packages needed
  • Little to no client-side configuration risk And also
  • Low cost of distribution

Efficient use of Software Licenses

The customer can have a single license for multiple computers operating in different locations, reducing the pass cost. Additionally, a license server is not require as the software runs within the provider’s infrastructure.

Centralized Management and Data Cloud Computing Software

The cloud provider stores the data centrally. However, cloud providers can store data decentrally for redundancy and reliability.

Vendor-Managed Platform Responsibilities

All platform responsibilities include backups, system maintenance, security, hardware upgrade, power management, etc. The cloud provider performs them. The client does not eat to worry about that.

Multi-User Solutions

Multi-tenant solutions allow multiple users to share a single instance of different resources in virtual isolation. Customers can customize their apps without affecting core functionality.


There are several issues associate  with SaaS, some of which are list below:

Browser Risks

network dependency

Lack of portability between SaaS clouds

Browser Risks

If the customer visits a malicious website and the browser is infected, subsequent access to the SaaS application may compromise customer data.

To avoid such risks, the customer may use multiple browsers and dedicate a specific browser to access the SaaS applications or may use a virtual desktop while accessing the SaaS applications.

Network Dependency

The SaaS application can only be deliver when the network is permanently available. The network must also be reliable, but neither the cloud provider nor the customer can guarantee the network’s reliability.

Lack Of Portability Between Saas Clouds

Transferring workloads from one SaaS cloud to another is not as easy as the workflow, business logic, user interfaces, and support scripts can be vendor specific.

Open Saas And Soa – Cloud Computing Software

Open SaaS uses these applications, which are grown using an open-source programming language. These SaaS applications can run on any open-source operating system and database. Open SaaS has several advantages that are list below:

  • No license required
  • Low implementation cost
  • Less vendor lock-in
  • More portable applications And also
  • more robust solution


Cloud computing software refers to applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and software in data centres that provide those services. The services themselves have long been called Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). However, data centre hardware and software are what we will reach as a cloud.

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